Laser Gim
This gim was a fun gim to make it has a gem and a laser used for mass destruction.
Nerd Gim
.This is a gim that is geeky and smart originally supposed to have a bigger head.
Sus Gim
This was based off of the game among us. the name originating from the slang word sus meaning suspicious.
Robo Gim
This is robot gim based off of the cult classic movie terminator.
Kirby Gim
This was a recommendation to make the character Kirby from the video game.
Plague Doctor Gim
This was based off of the doctor suits from the time of the bubonic plague.
Skeleton Gim
This is a gim of which I had messed up on. I tried to indent but it was too difficult.
Piggy Gim
This is the first animal gim I like it very much.
Anti Gim
This is a gim that is inversed and I believe came out quite good.
Elex Gim
The name comes from the person I based it off of named Alex. Who is a taller person that always wears a navy blue hoodie.
China gim
china gim is a oppisate of patriot bit and is the first gim to be red.